Transform your career with the UK's leading medical and public health career coach in 5 hours in a self-led, flexible way to suit your busy schedule!

Dr Fiona Day's sought-after 1:1 Career Coaching Programme is now available in an engaging, e-learning format including bite-size videos & interactive exercises! This unique, evidence-based programme has helped hundreds of doctors and public health specialists - and will enable YOU to find direction, purpose and satisfaction in YOUR career.

  • 5 hours of CPD for early & mid-career medical or public health professionals including Junior Doctors, Foundation Doctors, Registrars, Trust Doctors, Salaried GPs, and other Health & Public Health Professionals

  • 20 bite-sized videos from Fiona with over 30 evidence-based career coaching exercises

  • Structured, five-step tried and tested approach

  • Understand your professional and career needs in the context of the whole of your life

  • Make purposeful, wise career decisions enabling you to make either small changes or totally change direction

  • Peace of mind from using the latest evidence-based career coaching psychology science

  • Gain the skills you need to actively manage your career - preventing future problems and future-proofing your career

  • Find lasting meaning, purpose and satisfaction in your career

What's Included?

Over 30 evidence-based exercises in Five Steps for decades of career satisfaction!

  • 5 hours Continuing Professional Development

  • Videos and structured workbook containing the exercises you need for professional success

  • Use any device - mobile, tablet, pc - the technology works around you

  • Available 24/7 to suit your needs

  • Learn at your own pace - one hour a week - or faster or slower to suit you

  • Access to Programme for 60 days with option to purchase additional time

What are the Learning Objectives for the Upward Curve Programme?

Set your own unique goals for the programme; Be clear on your needs, your wants and preferences; Ensure you build your future career on strong foundations based on serial mastery; Unhook from what you believe others think you should do; Enable you to move forwards with confidence and self-author your own future.

  • The Learning Objectives for each Step include:

  • PLAN: to take stock and gain insight into your current situation to understand what you most want and need from this programme - your Overarching Coaching Goals1

  • DO: to do the work to understand yourself and your needs in your wider life and career

  • STUDY: to create your unique ideal job description; to study the options to determine the best direction

  • DECIDE: make skilful, wise, futureproofed decisions

  • ACT: to prepare for jobsearch; to review the skills needed to actively manage your career in the long run, preventing future problems and future-proofing your career

Outline of the Upward Curve Programme

This is how you will transform your working life in five hours!

As soon as you enrol, you will receive access to the whole programme which you will complete your in your own time. It is designed to take about an hour a week over 5 weeks - but you can go as fast as suits you!

At the end of Step 1, you will set your own coaching goals for the programme.

You'll steadily work on your coaching goals through the programme at a pace that works for you.

At the end of Step 5, you'll have a clear plan to move forwards. 

Dr Fiona Day

I’ve coached over 500 medical and public health leaders globally in the last ten years. My real-world experience as a medical and public health leader means I understand what you deal with on a daily basis. As the world’s only Leadership Coach with advanced coaching psychology, medical and public health qualifications (MBChB, FFPH, BPS Chartered Psychologist in Coaching Psychology, EMCC Master Practitioner Coach & Mentor), I’m in a unique position to help you and your teams to flourish.

A message from Dr Fiona Day

Click to listen to Fiona talking about the Programe

What doctors and public health professionals say about working with Fiona

“Investing in coaching was one of the best decisions I have ever made and I recommend Fiona without hesitation. ”


“Fiona has provided a framework for me to consider my career in a positive light. With this structure I feel I am capable of approaching future decisions with the resolution and clarity required to make the right choice for me. ”


“Fiona has the perfect background for the highly specialised area of medical careers advice. Her intuition, commitment and warmth provided an arena in which I felt understood.”

Paediatrics Registrar

“The cost has been more than worth it and I have gained insight, been challenged in a very positive way and been supported to choose and create an exciting future.”

Salaried GP

“Fiona's calm, warm and non-judgemental approach made it easier for me ”

Public Health Registrar

“Fiona is a very skilled coach and I believe whatever stage of your career you're at you would find her an empathic, professional and inspiring influence on your future.”

Salaried GP

“I was feeling burnt out, unhappy and work and lost in the system. 18 months on, I am excited about my career again and have tangible goals. I am so grateful to Fiona for guiding me through a difficult patch with empathy, humour and wisdom.”

Paediatrics Registrar

“Fiona makes great efforts to understand your current situation and to help you clarify your goals.”

Salaried GP

“Honestly I was dubious before the process started. Fiona allowed me to take control of my future and gave me the tools to make the changes in my life to give me clarity.”

Salaried GP

“Using the tools I learned in the Upward Curve, I was able to craft my ideal role - keeping the elements of my current role that I love and leaving the rest. I truly believe I could not have done this without the coaching course and I’m so grateful to you. All of it was useful and - probably most importantly - the encouragement to propose job crafting and to believe in my value to my employer. So - Thank you Fiona - another success for you too!”

Senior Doctor


  • Who is this Programme for?

    This programme is for early and mid-career (pre-CCT) doctors or public health specialists wondering: What am I good at and what are my transferable skills? What motivates me, what do I actually enjoy? What is important to me? What conditions help me to flourish? What career path suits my personality? What do I actually need (rather than what others think I need)? How do I gain peace of mind that I am making the right decisions for myself? What kind of organisation would suit me (or do I want to work for myself some or all of the time)? Should I take on a managerial or clinical leadership role? Can I ever be satisfied within medicine? Can I ever be satisfied in an alternative non-medical career? What do I actually want in my career and in my life? How can I have a better work-life balance? How can I better use my creativity at work? How can I prepare for the future and look forward with confidence? What does my career look like after Covid-19?

  • How will the Programme help me?

    It will help if you are unsure how to move forwards, unsure about what you want or need in your professional life, are facing big questions such as choosing a medical specialty or a public health sub-speciality, choosing a specific position, starting to think about your peri-retirement, considering a portfolio career, becoming self-employed, changing employer or even considering a major change such as an alternative medical career or alternative public heath career. It is also for you if you are wanting to make smaller ‘jobcrafting’ changes or tweaks to your current role for the better.

  • What are the minimal expected Learning Outcomes?

    The science of coaching psychology shows us that money and status are not always connected to long term meaning purpose and satisfaction. Fiona's evidence-based Upward Curve Programme will enable you to: Set your own unique goals for the programme; Be clear on your needs, your wants and preferences; Ensure you build your future career or peri-retirement with strong foundations based on serial mastery; Unhook from what you believe others think you should do; Enable you to move forwards with confidence and self-author your own future.

  • How does it work?

    This confidential, self-led programme is designed for early and mid-career doctors and public health professionals, and is supported by state-of-the-art e-learning. Working in this way is like working with Fiona in bite size chunks to fit into your busy schedule, at a lower cost than a 1:1 programme, and is available 24/7.

  • What is the time commitment?

    You will need to commit 5 hours in total for the whole programme (a mixture of short videos, e-learning exercises and questionnaires to complete through interactive learning, completing tasks such as finding out information, talking with potential future colleagues and employers). Whilst the programme is designed to be completed in 5 Steps over a five-week period, ie one hour a week, you can go as fast as you wish. You can complete the programme in small chunks of time at a pace to suit you.

  • What tech do I need?

    You can access the programme anywhere, anytime, from any device. If you prefer to print things out to write in them, please have access to a printer. You are likely to want to have some blank drawing paper such as a few pages of flip chart/ A3/A2 size.

  • Why work with Dr Fiona Day?

    Modern careers are very complex and it’s easy to feel lost, stuck, at a crossroads, and afraid to make changes. As a Chartered Coaching Psychologist with a former 25 year senior medical and public health leadership career, I have worked in primary, community, hospital, public health, system and regional leadership roles including at health Board level. I understand the needs of doctors and public health professionals regarding all aspects of their professional lives, and have helped over 400 doctors and public health specialists with everything from choosing a speciality, to making changes to their job plans, to finding alternative medical careers or new directions, and transitioning to retirement – all in service of helping them to make skilful choices for themselves and their loved ones in order to find ever increasing meaning, purpose and fulfilment in their careers, and to have an impact on individual and population health, social and environmental outcomes.

  • Is there such as thing as 'the right job' or 'perfect career' for me?

    Due to the complexity of modern careers and the unique skills, strengths and values of each individual and their life priorities, there is no single occupational questionnaire or algorithm which can produce the ‘right’ answer, or tell you what is your ‘ideal job’. We will use a wide range of evidence-based career exercises and questionnaires in order to help you to gain insight into yourself and your needs. Every step in this process is based on sound coaching psychology and will help you to notice patterns and themes, and to get increasingly clear on your needs professionally and in the context of your unique set of circumstances and who you want to be in the future.  There is no such thing as a single ‘ideal job’ at the end of any career coaching process: there are likely to be multiple ways to get your professional career needs met, and our task is to clarify what your needs are, what the options are, and to get to the point of making a plan about how to move forwards to find or create your next role. Perfection itself in any role (including retirement) is unlikely to exist in reality – nothing in life is ever wonderful and fabulous 100% of the time – however it is possible to ‘Find the thing that you truly love and never work another day’.

  • How long will I have access to the Programme?

    Whilst you can work at your own pace, the programme is designed to be completed over five weeks, one hour a week: you will be able to access the programme for 60 days after enrolment. If you need longer to complete the programme due to your specific circumstances, you can do this for an additional fee of £50 for 30 days or £100 for 60 days.

  • I am a medical or public health leader, would bespoke 1:1 coaching with Fiona suit me better?

    If you have a highly complex senior medical or public health leadership career, bespoke 1:1 coaching will be a more effective option for you, as Fiona can tailor a programme more specifically to your unique needs.  If you would like help to plan your retirement, or peri-retirement, bespoke 1:1 coaching is also likely to be a better fit for you depending upon how close to peri-retirement you are, and how much you want to work into the future. Please email Fiona if you are unsure or book a free, confidential consultation via her website for medical and public health leaders [email protected]/

  • I am looking for leadership development coaching for doctors and public health leaders, is the group sprint appropriate?

    The Upward Curve programme is to help doctors and public health professionals to make career decisions in the short to medium term, and to learn the skills they need to actively manage their careers. For my leadership development coaching, please see Fiona's website

  • I still have questions!

    No problem, please email me and I will be happy to help you [email protected]

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